God is calling his Jewish people home to Israel, the Land of their everlasting inheritance.

New Olim (immigrants) are arriving in ever-increasing numbers to a nation entrenched in a long standing war against terrorism that has greatly impacted the economy with resulting record levels of inflation, cost of living and unemployment. While the government provides financial assistance for new Olim for several months, these benefits soon run out, and sadly, many Olim are left without work and often with no other means of support. Many new Olim, unable to survive under these dire circumstances, just give up and return from whence they came, and…

some, have no place to which to return and have fallen
into the lowest levels of survival existence.


Imagine yourself out of work for a few months… and you can’t buy…food or buy diapers for the baby or pay the rent…electricity and water.

Or imagine you’ve had to have some of your teeth removed  and you don’t have any money for dentures to enable you  to chew your food…you can’t chew meats or nuts without teeth! And imagine your older and cannot hear your gr andchildren because you don’t have extra money for a hearing aide.

 These scenarios are similar situations with the people we help.

“He who has pity on the poor lends to the LORD, and He will pay back what he has given”.  Pr 19:17

“You shall supply him liberally from your flock, from your threshing floor, and from your winepress. From what the LORD your God has blessed you wth, you shall give to him”.  Dt 15:14

Although God is giving instructions on releasing a slave, the principal holds true in helping those who are in a desperate situation, to “…supply liberally from…what the Lord your God has blessed you with”.


The Olim Fund was founded to provide short-term survival assistance to meet emergency needs of new Olim. Such assistance may include, but is not limited to providing for food, shelter, utilities, medical and dental assistance, and school tuition and other related school expenses. The fund is specifically not intended to provide long term support and is ideally focused on providing assistance on a one time basis to any given family or individual


Any immigrant citizen of Israel,
regardless of religious belief or affiliation,
is eligible to receive assistance from the Olim Fund.

Priority will first be given to widows, single parents
and terror victims on the basis of the most dire need.

 The most recent new OLIM of dire
consequence will receive the highest priority.

Please click DONATE and help needy Jewish immigrants.



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